D4ST System Configuration

Using the D4ST containers requires a little bit of configuration to reflect the details of where you have the containers deployed, as well as component-specific configuration that reflects your publication development details.

The main configuration details are:
  • Git repository storage location: The mapping from the GitLab container's git repository storage to a directory on the host machine. The out-of-the-box D4ST configuration provides a default volume mapping. You may want to change it. At a minimum you need to know what the volume mapping is so you can apply appropriate backup policies.
  • Network details: The IP addresses and ports for each of the container-provided services. The D4ST containers are run within the same D4ST-specific Docker network (named "d4st"). You need to know what IP address this network is exposed as on the Host machine. For distributed environments there may be additional network configuration required on the host machine to enable connection from other machines with appropriate security. For single-user or small-team setups the default Docker setup should work.

    Users will need to know what IP addresses to use to access the GitLab server and the Link Management application. These details will be specific to your environment.

  • Git repository setup: As with any shared git environment, somebody has to set up the git repositories within the GitLab server, set up appropriate users, and so on. There is nothing D4ST-specific about this.
  • Continuous integration setup: You will need to configure the GitLab continous integration server to reflect your local needs. The D4ST container comes pre-configured to use the DITA Open Toolkit and some sample build jobs for common tasks such as generating PDF, HTML, and EPUBs and running the DITA Community Quality Assurance checker.

See the container reference entires for each container for the configuration details.